X Rocker 51396 Review: Remarkable Sound Quality for an Exhilarating Gaming Experience

x rocker review

An X rocker 51396 review is a normal part of Internet searches because the Pro Series is one of the best-selling gaming chairs out there. It’s an excellent choice for users who want that extra bit with quality Bluetooth speakers and subwoofers for a worthwhile gaming experience.

X Rocker Gaming Chair Specs

The 2.1 is also rated one of the best for extended gaming sessions. But what exactly makes the chair so appealing to gamers looking for that extra comfort and immersive experience while unlocking new gaming levels? Is the sound quality that exceptional?

We have taken the time to put the chair to the test, focusing on its various functions and capabilities to help you decide whether it’s right for you or not. Read on! 

Outlining the Key Specifications

Product Key Specifications
X Rocker 51396

  • Material: Leather
  • Frame: Steel/metal
  • Bluetooth: Two Speakers
  • Media: Audio, subwoofers
  • Radio: RCA receiver

Hear and Feel the Impact of Every Action With the X Rocker 51396

Gaming used to be a very personal affair, even way before headsets. Gamers would play games or use their chairs to level up a desk for another activity. That has all changed. Now, gamers get to have an interactive time all by themselves with the kind of audio that many gaming chairs are equipped with.

You can hear all manner of sounds and, to a greater extent, feel them with a chair like the X Rocker Pro Series Pedestal 2.1 Video Gaming Chair. It doesn’t matter whether you listen to music, watch a movie, or play some game. The point is, you become part of it. That’s because this X Rocker comes with two speakers that are out of view and located in the headrest.

Along with that, there’s a subwoofer laced with Ace Bayou’s innovative Audio Force Modulation Technology. With this tech, the speakers and ported power subwoofers are placed in the open space – not just the frame – within the X Rocker. That way, the sound quality is magnified, hence, intensifying your experience.

Like other X Rocker chairs, you get additional vibration motors that sync with your audio’s bass tones. The result of that is a powerful full-body sensation on the supportive base. Also, the base plays a substantial part. It lets you tilt and swivel for prolonged hours of comfort while taking advantage of the ergonomic design, including the headrest and other support.

The control is in your care. You get to make changes on this X Rocker chair depending on the games you play. Take advantage of the RCA receiver to make further connections. In all, installation is quick and sharp with every information and tool included to make it easier for all users.

Below, you get to learn more about this X Rocker model.

X Rocker, 5139601, Pro Series Pedestal 2.1 Video Gaming Chair, Black

X Rocker 51396 Key Criteria
Material Quality
Ergonomic build and comfortable
Simple set up process
Compatible with many media devices
Stylish and easy to clean
Material wears off after many uses

At first glance, the X Rocker 51396 is a stylish and modern take on the rocker series we all love so much. It comes equipped with a refined dual-speaker system and a wireless transmitter that allows you to control your sound settings remotely and duplicate a cinematic movie experience right in the comfort of your home.

If you’re thinking of buying this X Rocker pedestal chair, you’ll like the fact that it gives off luxury, style, and comfort. The design, gunstock arms, and pedestal tilt combine to provide you with an exciting time across different functions. It also helps you swivel around a spot that is a paramount consideration for modern-day gamers and regular enthusiasts.

– Media Experience: Complete and Engaging

We have often heard “the total package” used time and again by many reviewers. Well, for this chair, they’re right. That’s because it incorporates two forward-facing speakers coupled with an audio force modulation technology. It packs enough sound through the porter power subwoofers so that you’re fully immersed in your current activity.

Gaming experiences gather a more engaging pace with each beat and move. As such, you’ll feel a lot more in tune playing any character or watching one.

– Vibrating Motors: More Real-Time Sensations

There are different vibration motors on this chair. What do they do? Your guess is as good as mine. These vibrators align with your audio’s bass tones so that you get a stronger full-body feeling across any application. 

For example, if you’re playing an engaging war game on your compatible console, the sound and hits will feel natural. That’s because the speakers change the atmosphere in your gaming space. The same applies to watching movies or relaxing while enjoying some of your favorite music.

– Multipurpose Pedestal Chair: Suitable for a Wide Range of Applications

The best thing about having a gaming chair like this 2.1 Audio Gaming Chair is you can use it for many purposes. It’s much like making a one-off purchase for a tool to unlock a couple of items. To that end, it’s not restricted to gaming alone. It has a cable for other activities such as watching your TV, studying, or lounging to get some downtime.

– Padding: Generous To Give You Protection and Comfort

The combination of two powerful speakers and subwoofers creates sound many audiophiles will pay to have. However, there is more to this chair. That’s because we think the best part of this chair is the generous padding.

Paddings differ from chair to chair and, depending on how it’s applied, can either protect or cause problems for the user. Now, that’s not the case with this model. The foam is resilient enough to keep you comfortable even after prolonged use and compliments the sturdy build.

You can sleep in between games, work, or study sessions.

– Connectivity: No Clutter to Your Space

The sight of wires is gory enough for many users. Moreover, it’s not ideal to have many cables around, so you don’t trip or have your chair moving over them. Thankfully, there’s a wireless connection here that helps keep your game spade clear of any clutter.

– Radio Wireless Receiver: More Audio Output

This pedestal gaming chair comes with a built-in wireless receiver coupled with a wireless transmitter that works with various RCA stereo outputs. That also includes optional RCA cables. In addition, you get an input and output jack to help you link to your audio source.

– Compatibility: Connects to a Host of Devices

This chair is compatible with a host of devices, so if you’re worried you’d have to get something else, that’s not the case. You can pair it with consoles such as Nintendo, Xbox, PlayStation, Gameboy, iPods, and other audio and video devices. If you’re a gadget freak, this chair is an ace up your sleeves!

– Easy To Set Up: Follow the Manual

While it’s simple to set up this chair without looking at the manual, it is the advice of our X Rocker gaming chair review team to use one when you’re stuck. It’s descriptive enough to help you assemble the chair within minutes.

– Design Cover and Upholstery: Stylish Leather

The strong PU vinyl cover over this chair gives you a nice-looking model to have. It’s black but has some white stitching over the PU leather. What’s more, the style of the armrests and logo on the chair make it quite the fashionable spectacle. It’s a great piece of furniture for any gaming room.

We must also mention that because of the quality leather on the chair, you get premium comfort. Still, it’s way easy to clean and maintain.

– Overview

This gaming chair is comfortable for users who intend to play in a low position to relax their backs. It’s big enough and gives off quality sound from the speakers.

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The X Rocker 51396 may not be your ideal office chair, but that’s where it stops. The chair is just what a gamer wants, as it comes equipped with superior AFM (Audio Force Modulation) technology and powerful in-built vibration motors that align with the bass tones and allow you to get involved in every gameplay. 

Aside from its affordability and a wide range of comfortable features, you will hardly ever come across a gaming chair that offers better at the same price, especially when it comes to the top-notch wireless connectivity options. 

For example, not all gaming chairs with Bluetooth speakers can connect to an Xbox game console, which is something that the X Rocker 51396 does effortlessly. 


Since this gaming chair serves a variety of functions, we think it’s worth getting. If you work at home, you can always play games and work in different instances. However, it makes more sense to confine this chair to your gaming room because it’s suited for that particular purpose. 

Overall, we will recommend this X Rocker chair to anybody looking to enjoy the best full-body gaming experience


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