How to Unblock on Reddit: Using the Simplest Methods

different ways to unblock accounts on Reddit
different ways to unblock accounts on Reddit

Knowing how to unblock on Reddit can be helpful when you’re looking to make up with someone or view the post of a blocked account.

How to Unblock on Reddit

There are many different ways to perform this task, including via your phone app as well as your desktop web interface. While the process may seem a bit complicated if you’re doing it for the first time, we’ve simplified the whole process with our guide below.

Read on to learn more about how to unblock accounts on Reddit.

How To Unblock Someone On Reddit From Your Blocklist?

To unblock someone on Reddit, you will have to open the settings on your device and then navigate to the blocking and permission tab. There you will be able to access the list of people you have blocked on your account. Simply find the desired account there and unblock it.

Unblocking accounts on Reddit isn’t a bad idea, especially if you feel you may have overreacted by blocking them or if you blocked them mistakenly. The good thing is no matter the platform you use, you can easily unblock blocked contacts or accounts.

The steps explained below will show you how to see blocked users on Reddit mobile app so you can unblock them.

– Unblocking Your Reddit Friends via Your Mobile Device

One of the best ways you can unblock Reddit accounts is by utilizing the Reddit phone app. Not only is the unblocking process simple and straightforward, but it’s also intuitive and easy to follow. Here’s how to unblock Reddit on Android and iPhone:

  • Download and install the app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store if you don’t have it on your device.
  • Once installed, launch the app and log in with your Reddit credentials.
  • From the homepage, select the icon or picture representing your avatar.
  • You’ll be provided with a new menu where you’ll have to choose the “Settings” option.
  • Note that the “Settings” option is often at the bottom so you may have to scroll down to the bottom of the menu window.
  • Once you’ve selected Settings, navigate to “Account Settings” and select your “Profile name” or “Username” from the options.
  • Now, scroll down the next window until you find the “Blocking and Permissions” option.
  • Selecting Blocking and Permissions will lead you to the “Manage blocked accounts” option.
  • Once you select the Managed blocked accounts option, you’ll be provided with the list of accounts you have blocked as well as an “Unblock” button next to them.
  • All you have to do is click on the “Unblock” button and the account you’d like to unblock will be removed from your blocked list immediately.
  • They’ll be able to see and interact with your posts, leave comments, and also send you direct messages.
  • You’ll be able to see their posts on your timeline, interact with them, and also send them direct messages.

– Unblocking Accounts on the Reddit Platform via the Web App

The second way you can unblock Reddit accounts is by using the web app. You can use this method if you’re not a fan of phone apps or you simply want to use your computer.

Note that this method also works with your smartphone’s browsers, so you can just utilize this method instead of downloading and installing the phone app. Here’s how to unblock on Reddit desktop via the web app:

  • Launch your web browser, whether it’s on your mobile device or on a computer, and enter in the address bar.
  • Once you’re on Reddit’s homepage, select the “Log in” button and enter your Reddit credentials.
  • Now, tap your username, which should be located at the top right corner of your screen.
  • Select “User Settings” from the corresponding options and navigate to the “Safety and Privacy” tab.
  • You should immediately get a list of blocked accounts with the “People You’ve Blocked” header.
  • Scroll through the list of blocked accounts to find the account you’d like to unblock and simply tap on the “Remove” button next to their usernames.
  • Once you’ve done that, all restrictions placed on the blocked accounts will be lifted and they’ll be able to interact with your posts and send you messages.

How to Block Different Accounts on Reddit After Unblocking Them?

You can block different accounts on Reddit after unblocking them by simply going to their profile and tapping on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. After tapping on those three dots, you will receive a confirmation pop-up. Simply accept that pop-up to block anyone.

– Blocking Users and Accounts on Reddit

Blocking offensive accounts or those you don’t agree with can be beneficial to your timeline as you’ll be able to see more content that’s tailored to your preference.

Blocking Users and Accounts on Reddit

There are two main ways to block people on Reddit, including using the phone app and the website. Just as it is with unblocking accounts on the Reddit platform, the way to block people on the web app is different from how you’d do it on the phone app.

– Blocking With the Phone App

Below are the necessary steps to follow when you want to block an account via the phone app:

  • Launch your app and access Reddit with your Reddit credentials if you’re not already logged in.
  • Once you’re on your homepage, click on the search button and search for the account you’d like to block.
  • You can also scroll through your timeline to find their posts, then click on their usernames to go to their profile.
  • Once you’re on their user profile, check the top-right corner of the app for the three-dot menu.
  • Select the menu and choose the “Block” option from the list of options.
  • You’ll get a prompt asking you to confirm whether or not you want to block the account.
  • Tap on “Block” to confirm your choice and the account will be blocked immediately.
  • Note that you won’t be able to interact with the posts of blocked accounts as you won’t see them and they won’t see your posts either.
  • You’ll also be unable to send them messages or receive messages from them.
  • Also, you can go to a user’s profile from your messages if they’ve previously sent you a message.

– Using the Web App

You can also block Reddit accounts via the web app. This method works on mobile and desktop browsers. Here’s what you have to do:

  • Open your internet browser and go to
  • From your homepage, scroll down your feed or search for their username using the search icon at the top of your screen.
  • Once you’re on the profile page of the user you’d like to block, check the profile card and choose the “More Options” button on the card.
  • Select “Block User” in the next window and click on “Continue” to approve the block request.
  • The user will be blocked immediately and you won’t be able to interact with them, see their posts or even get messages from them.


That’s all on how to unblock on Reddit app as well as how to block them. Here is a quick roundup to make sure you have all you need:

  • When you unblock an account on Reddit, they’ll be able to send you messages and interact with your posts.
  • The web browser method works on both mobile phone browsers and desktop browsers.
  • You won’t be able to receive or send messages to blocked contacts.
  • Blocked contacts won’t be able to see your profile even if they search for it.

Now that you know how to block and unblock accounts on Reddit, we feel that you’ll be able to have a better experience on the platform. You can always block people you’ve unblocked before and unblock them when things settle down again.


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