How to Drag Click on Any Mouse With Confidence

How to Drag Click With Your Mouse
How to Drag Click With Your Mouse

If you’re wondering how to drag click on any mouse, you’re not alone. It’s a phenomenon many computer and mouse enthusiasts apply to boost their chances of winning games. 

Drag Click on Any Mouse With Confidence

For games like Minecraft and Roblox, dragging has become increasingly popular, with many people learning how to drag. If that’s why you’re reading this article, we will guide you via this post. 

How to Drag Click With Your Mouse

The easiest way to drag click with your mouse is to flick your wrist slightly and tap the mouse button slowly in a downward direction at the same time. Keep your finger gliding through the button, and don’t press too hard. Once you hear a “grinding noise,” you’re doing it right. 

– Ensure Your Mouse is Clean

Before anything else, ensure that your mouse is clean. Check the surface for dust, sweat, and other unlikely stuff. Remove such particles with a clean cloth so they don’t interfere with friction. Further, wipe your hand to avoid slippery situations and to keep it dry when drag clicking. 

– Apply a Tape on the Mouse

Your fingers may get sweaty during gaming, so applying tape to the button provides just enough friction. It’s a hack many gamers have used to deal with mouse moisture. 

– Place Your Hand on the Mouse 

Like for every other function, place your hand on the mouse. Your thumb should be on the left side, with your ring and little finger providing support from the right. Also, your index and middle fingers must go on the left and right buttons, respectively. With that done, it’s time to click and drag. 

– Click and Drag Action 

To perform drag clicks, click your wrist at an angle and press the button downward. However, try not to press too hard. If you do, the motion won’t be effective. It’s crucial to click gently and follow that up with a finger glide toward the front part of the mouse.

Mouse Click and Drag Action

Depending on how many CPS you want, you can glide towards a total drag or stop at the middle of the button. Once you know how to perform long drag clicks, it’s easier to stop at specific action points. However, it’s always a tad bit difficult for first-timers, but you’ll eventually get used to it. 

– The Sounds that Follow 

It’s not enough to perform the action. You’ll get some confirmation from the sounds that follow. One of them is a grinding noise coming from the mouse. Then there’s the slight vibration you’ll feel underneath your finger.

– The Drag Click Test

Besides the steps above and confirmatory sounds, you can always check if you performed the action correctly through a drag click test. You can use the RapidTable click counter feature to show precisely how many clicks you produced in one motion.

In addition, you can load a game like Minecraft or its alternatives and run a drag clicking test yourself. To do that, enter the build mode in the game and try placing several blocks simultaneously with this technique. Make sure you’re moving as you build because your positioning impacts how much space is left.

Note that the average gamer records a CPS of 6.51. You can use that as a base statistic to compare your CPS with the figure above. 


How Do You Define Click Dragging on Any Mouse?

You define click dragging on any mouse as an activity where you move your finger across one side of the mouse button to the other. When you do that, you induce more clicking, thanks to the friction between the surface of the device.

This friction arises because of the vibrations taken from the button. However, the game registers it with more than one click. If you manage to perform this action correctly, drag clicking can help you achieve up to 32 clicks per second (CPS).

If you’re interested in gaming, extra clicks can make a difference. For example, you can place several blocks simultaneously when you drag click on the Minecraft game. The same goes for other actions like working on large buildings, bridges, etc.

How the Benefits of Drag Clicking Are More Than Its Downsides?

The benefits of drag-clicking are more than its downsides because it gives you a competitive advantage over your opponents.

Benefits of Drag Clicking

Moreover, you also get to know when a click has been registered. On the other hand, there are negligible downsides like a strain on the switches of your mouse.

– Competitive Advantage 

Even if you don’t play games competitively, getting a win over a friend or family is such a nice feeling. For games like Minecraft and Fortnite, drag-clicking can make some difference, no matter how small. If pro gamers average CPS of 6.51, you can get close to that when you hone your mouse drag skills. 

Further, a higher CPS lets you put in more hits and take less yourself while gaming. 

– Helps to Ensure Your Clicks are Registered 

Drag clicking is an excellent way to ensure your clicks are registered, especially if your mouse has issues responding to your preferred actions. By using drag clicks, every click will be registered, no matter what. 

– Disadvantages: It Can Put a Strain on Your Mouse 

Drag clicking takes some experience and expertise to execute perfectly. That’s why it can put enormous strain on mouse switches, reducing their service life. 

– Not Supported By Some Servers

Minecraft is an excellent example of this, as some of their servers dismiss drag clicking as an unfair advantage. The servers might also ban players from performing this action. You can avoid this when you check if the server you’re playing on allows mouse drag clicks or prohibits the practice. 

How To Choose the Best Mouse for Drag Clicking? 

You can choose the best mouse for drag clicking by looking at the designs, materials used to manufacture the device, and average lifespans that different mouses offer. Having friction between the surface of the mouse and your fingers plays a very important role in this action.

After extensive research, we have gathered a list of the best mouse you can buy on market for this purpose. Here are the mouse you can choose from: 

– Glorious Model O

The Glorious Model O is a top mouse and pretty easy to drag and click on. Besides, it makes the list of the best gaming mouse on the web and in the industry. It’s a lightweight corded mouse designed to feel very much like a wireless one. The covering is sturdy with its honeycomb shell that keeps your hand cool.

The lightweight design is an advantage allowing you to move the mouse in split seconds, but it’s best for drag-clicking. It comes in a matte version, providing the required friction necessary for achieving higher CPS.

There’s a glossy model you can opt for, capable of the same performances and different tricks, including dragging your mouse during intense gaming sessions. You’d best stick to the Model O.  


The ROCCAT Kone AIMO is an alternative to the one above and a quality mouse-dragging option. It is designed for regular gamers requiring high CPS in mind. So, get set to improve your performance even if you don’t employ the drag technique.

The ROCCAT Kone AIMO also lets you change DPI and use buttons regular mice don’t have. Apart from your other functions, it is useful for drag-clicking and reaching even higher CPS.

In addition, it is durable; however, there’s a little complaint about its weight, recorded at 4.6 ounces. That makes it a bit bulky for some users. 

– Razer DeathAdder Elite

With this DeathAdder Elite, you get a throwback feel from Razer as a continuation of the lineup. Expect amazing features and impeccable performance to complement its capabilities. Also, it comes with a matte black finish, and its shape makes it an excellent palm-grip mouse you can hold for prolonged periods.

The texture is just as impressive and plays a big part in its ability to drag click. All the buttons and features combine to deliver a worthy gaming mouse. Besides, there’s enough friction on the grip between your hand and the mouse. As a result, it makes it all that much easier to use.

– Redragon M711 Cobra

The Redragon M711 Cobra is a spectacular mouse and fits the dragging narrative. Moreover, it’s mostly cheap and popular among the gaming community. It will pass many flicker speed tests, especially when you employ the drag technique. 

Like the one just above it, it carries a matte grip to boost your performance. Also, you get the option to choose between several different DPIs. Don’t look down at the budget-friendly tag that comes with it, though.

It has a cool design featuring vibrant LEDs that really give it a gaming look. The build is also excellent, which makes it a fantastic option for a drag clicking mouse

– Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex

Like several top Logitech mice, the G303 Daedalus is a fantastic mouse, surpassing its predecessor in excellence. Further, this mouse boasts a similar design to the G302. However, Logitech got super creative with the shape of the mouse. So don’t expect a basic design common to a regular mouse. 

Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex Mouse

Thanks to its super responsive build and design, you get to enjoy more than a couple of functions. One of them is drag clicking, which combines effectively with the mouse’s ability to auto-detect the quality of different surfaces. When it detects the surface, it modifies its sensitivity to sustain that snappy feel. 

The G303 is the perfect companion for games like Fortnite and Minecraft due to its click-dragging capabilities. 

How Can You Improve Your Drag Clicking Skills?

You can improve your drag clicking skills by applying tapes on your fingers so that you have a good amount of friction which is quite crucial for this action. Moreover, seasoned players also suggest using Marco. However, it is considered cheating in some of the games. 

Here are some of the best steps that you can take to improve your skills and beat your opponents like never before: 

– Applying Tapes 

To drag click your mouse properly, adequate friction between your fingers and the mouse buttons is a must. Naturally, some form of friction already exists, but some tapes can increase it, so it’s easier to learn how to click drag.

Get electric tape and cut it up into small patches before sticking it on your mouse buttons. Your mouse will have a fancy appearance but still have enough functionality to drag click leading to enhanced CPS. 

Some top brands go as far as making custom textured tapes to give you enough grip. One of them is Razer, thanks to its modern mice that boost your CPS. 

– Using a Macro 

A macro provides the most consistent drag-clicking experience. But get ready for the backlash because it might be considered cheating. You can avoid that when you learn the conditions attached to the game before using third-party software or macro keys to drag click. 

Using a macro is easy. Create a new macro with your PC mouse’s proprietary software and bind it to a specific key. Go ahead to edit the macro and enable it to have a string of multiple left or right clicks.

If your mouse isn’t designed with custom macro mapping software, you can find a matching universal macro key binding software online. The best part about using software or programming to increase your CPM is mapping any key, including buttons other than your left or right-click mouse keys. 


– What Type of Mouse is Best for Drag Clicking? 

A mouse is best for drag-clicking if it has two things. One of them is a fair percentage of textured buttons and grips to make drag clicking easier.

The other is the switches inside the mouse; they should be able to withstand the physical assault drag clicking presents. Without these components, you risk significantly shortening the lifespan of any mouse you use. 

– Why is Drag Clicking Important?

Drag clicking is important because many gamers are obsessed with speed and feel that their ability to click the mouse faster gives them an edge. Well, that’s true to an extent, but games like Minecraft require players to have quick fingers as well. 

Why is Drag Clicking Important

When you drag-click, you are ultimately taking advantage of the friction between your mouse button and your skin for better performance.

Drag clicking is also important when testing your mouse’s ability to respond via sounds or vibrations. It also lets you understand the clicks per second your mouse can deliver. 

– Which Mouse Grip Method Will Help Enhance Drag Clicking?

For drag clicks, the fingertip grip is the best. The grip allows you to execute the drag perfectly to record as many CPS as possible. However, one thing to note here is that different mouse grips fit different types of users.  

The best mouse is not necessarily a particular brand or product. It’s one with the right qualities to help you achieve the perfect drag. To that end, you need a mouse with the perfect grip, texture, and shape for your hand. 

– Can My Mouse Get Damaged From Drag Clicking? 

Yes, your mouse can easily get damaged from drag-clicking, especially if it’s a budget one or not particularly useful for gaming. However, it can give you an advantage in some games if you don’t get banned for having a high CPS. 

However, you’re better off with8 a top-quality gaming mouse with an established CPS limit. 


We are confident that knowing how to drag and click on any mouse is now an easy prospect after reading this guide.

Now, let’s summarize the key points mentioned above to help you drag-click properly: 

  • It’s essential to have a clean, spotless mouse before you think about drag-clicking. 
  • You can place tape on the mouse for better texture, grip, and dragging potential. 
  • To achieve a smooth drag click, try not to overly press or click the button. 
  • Drag-clicking is important and gives you a competitive advantage over other users, especially in gaming.

After going through this article, you can feel comfortable drag-clicking your own mouse. Once you have the right mouse with quality features, your opponents won’t stand a chance against you.


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