What Is Driverskanner: The Risks and Functions of the Program

Driveskanner Software for PC

Driverskanner is an important executable file for users of the DriverScanner software, and it is often mistaken as malware software or a virus of some sort. This guide will look into what this executable file stands for if it poses any security threat to your computer device and how you can uninstall it from your computer if you need to remove it.

What Is Driverskanner

We will look at what makes this software unique and valuable for people who need to update their drivers, and how you can use it to upgrade and improve your own computer system.

Read on to learn everything you need about driverskanner in this complete guide and find out the answers to all your driver-related questions!

What Is Driverskanner for PC Users?

Driverskanner is mainly known as driverscanner.exe, and this is an executable exe file. You can use the exe to update the drivers and the driver software on your computer system and easily install it from the Uniblue website.

– Driverscanner and the Uniblue Company

While there are many latest versions of drvierscanner.exe file available across the internet, not every version out there is genuine, and it is essential to know what defines the actual exe file that you need to use. The original file is software that the Uniblue company has developed, and its primary function is a driver utility.

In this capacity, the DrviverScanner from Uniblue company aims to improve your design by scanning your system’s hardware, which determines whether the proper drivers have been installed on your device. It also needs to verify whether the most current version of the driver has been established in computer settings or not.

If any updates are available for your given drivers, it will show you a prompt asking you to update your software, and once you have that quick, all you need to do is click on the option to download and install. Once you do so, you will be able to sit back and relax with the proper permission.

The software will go and find the appropriate updates for you and get them up and running on your PC.

In case any drivers are missing from your computer, the software will show you a list of all the missing drivers and which software/hardware they are hampering. Select the right ones to update your missing drivers and edit them using the instructions above.

– Different Versions of the Driverscanner Software

Coming to the different versions of the DriverScanner software, it is essential to understand that the software goes through constant updates, and there are both free and paid versions.

Currently, a free version of the DriverScanner is available for all users, but it is pretty limited in the sense that it will only alert you about the drivers that are out of date and need updates. The limit that comes to mind is that the software will not update these drivers for you.

The Uniblue company released the first version of the DriverScanner software in 208, and the company itself was incorporated back in 2003.

– Removing Driverscanner From Your Computer System

As the primary computer user, only you can make the decision of whether software should remain on your computer or be removed from it.

Removing Driverscanner From Your Computer System

One of the most common reasons that most users use to uninstall driver scanners from their computer is that it is not a part of the Windows software and therefore not as important. If the software is essential for your Windows 10 system, you should be careful before you go about deleting or removing it from your computer.

Other reasons for removing the software might include consuming too much CPU or GPU in the background. If the software has been compromised and started an association with malware software, it might run in the background and suck energy from your computer’s process.

You can use the driverscanner.exe for most windows operating systems as an executable file, and this includes Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, and Windows 10. However, it is also important to remember that malware software and viruses can be transmitted into your computer devices through exe files.

Therefore, it is essential to be careful before we decide to allow any exe file or executable file to run on our own computer systems. One infected field can pose a threat to your whole computer system.

In the next section, we will dive more in-depth into whether the driverscanner.exe file is a security threat to the computer system and how you can identify any warning signs and do a personal check.

Driverscanner’s Safety Analysis for Computer Users

As we have previously discussed in previous sections of the guide, DriverScanner is legitimate software in that It is backed and developed by a leading software company. However, there is a method for actually checking whether the software is legitimate or not. And that is precisely what we will be looking at in this section.

Windows explorer exe file

So in order to verify whether DriverScanner or any such software is legitimate or not, we need to start by checking the exact location of the exe file.

You need to start this process by opening up the Task Manager software for the Uniblue DriverScanner software. Once you are there, go to the column fields and add Verified Signer as one of the columns. Now, after you have done this, you will need to look at the Verified Signer value for the driverscanner.exe process, and if in that section you see that it says “Unable to verify,” then it means that the file may be a virus.

If the software developer is legitimate, then it means that the software you are using is not a virus or malware of any type. However, if the developer is not listed and you feel anything suspicious, you can easily remove it by uninstalling the program in question. However, based on our expert technical analysis, there is nothing suspicious with the software, and the original DriverScanner is a malware-free and practical application.

– Removing and Uninstalling driverscanner.exe From Program Files

Removing driverscaenner.exe from your hard disk or deciding to download driverscanner is straightforward if you ever decide to do so. To uninstall this program, you need to go through a bunch of steps we have explained below. Once done, you will have removed driverscanner.exe from your computer as if it was never a part of the software in the first place.

Most exe files that are part of a software program are accompanied by an uninstall program. Therefore, what you need to do for the first step is find the uninstall program for the DriverScanner program. You can find the Uninstaller exe file for this program in the following directory on your Windows computer device:

C: Program Files > Uniblue Systems > DriverScanner > Uniblue DriverScanner > driverscanner.exe_uninstall.exe.

To uninstall with this method, all you need to do is click on the uninstall file and follow the instructions from the subsequent popups to remove the software from your computer.

– Removing and Uninstalling Driverscanner.exe From System Settings

However, it is equally possible that the DriverScanner software was installed using the Windows Installer, so you will need to follow different methods when trying to uninstall it. First, you have to go to System Settings. From there, you need to open the Add or Remove Programs Option.

Once you see the list of the given Programs options, you need to search for the driverscanner.exe file by looking up the name DriverScanner in the given search bar. If that does not work, you can also search by trying out the developer name, which is Uniblue Company.

Search for driverscnner exe file

After you find the software in the Add or Remove Programs Option, you need to click on the given option and then select the Uninstall Programs option, which will help you to remove the program file driverscanner.exe from your computer once the uninstall has finished up. You can restart the computer to double check that both the software in question and the exe file is completely removed from your computer system.


– What Is the Twain Driver Scanner?

Twain Driver download is a printer scanner driver that you can use to handle the communication between your PC and your scanner. A complete scanner download for PC windows 7 and the scanner setup windows 7 give you the ability to allow your imaging device( mainly scanners) to acquire an image and save it.


In this guide, we have dived deep into understanding what the Driverskanner or DriverScanner software is and what the executable file DriverScanner.exe represents. We have compiled a quick bullet list of all the essential topics that you should be aware of after having read this guide:

  • DriverScanner is a software utility tool that is used to find missing or outdated files on your computer device, after which you can update them manually or using the software itself.
  • There are different versions of the DriverScanner, some paid and some free, giving each version other options and limitations for the user.
  • Uniblue has developed DriverScanner, and the fact that it is the product of a legitimate company goes a long way to show that it is not, in fact, malware software of any kind.
  • You can easily uninstall or remove the DriverScanner software from your computer device by dragging it with the uninstall.exe in the Program Files folder or uninstalling it from System Settings in the Add or Remove Programs option.

With all these tips and a great guide by your side, we are sure that you will have no problems handling any issues that arise with your DriverScanner software. However, if any problems do arise, you can stay relaxed because, rest assured, you will always have this guide at your back to answer all your queries!


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