Which Monitor Should I Choose? 60Hz vs. 75Hz Refresh Rates

Hz vs hz comparison
Hz vs hz comparison

You need help choosing between the refresh rates 75Hz vs. 60Hz.

We know there are so many different specs out there. With response times, resolution, frame rates, and more, it can get tricky knowing what’s what.

This article will help clear some of the confusion as you move a step closer to buying the right monitor for you.

Scroll to see the difference between 60 Hz and 75 Hz:

Pros of 75Hz refresh rate

• Refreshes image 75 times per second

Can overclock to higher rates

Pros of 60Hz refresh rate

• Refreshes image 60 times per second

Cheaper pricing

Your end goal is to buy a monitor. You want to play your games, do your work, and enjoy the experience—a 75Hz monitor is for you.

A monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate seems the same at first glance, but it’s not.

What is the Refresh Rate?

Hz vs hz refresh rateYour monitor refreshes to display a new image on the screen in each second. The refresh rate measures the number of times it does that.

We measure this rate in Hertz usually shortened to ‘Hz’.

The more a monitor refreshes within a second, the higher the rate climbs.

As the refresh rates climb, the smoother the image becomes.

One of the reasons the refresh rate is so important is because it affects your graphics.

A decent refresh rate is essential because it helps you to focus on your gaming or work. You don’t want to get distracted by screen tearing.

What a 75Hz Refresh Rate?

You must have a decent refresh rate if you want to have a good experience. If you’re gaming or working, you want a refresh rate that lets you enjoy your monitor.

At a 75Hz refresh rate, the monitor refreshes 75 images within a second.

An updated image uploads 75 times in a second. It keeps your screen up to date with your teammates’ and opponents’ gameplay.

A refresh rate with high Hertz is essential to help you focus on your game. Your eyes will see smooth graphics without distractions.

A low refresh rate will make your game look slow. The game display will feel like pictures are showing one after another. Pretty much like a slideshow. The eye will pick up the individual images if it’s not fast enough.

The lower the rate, the less seamless the graphics will feel.

A 75Hz refresh display monitor will offer smooth graphics that read as motion.

The quality of a monitor with a 75Hz refresh rate is also determined by which game you play.

What is a 60Hz Refresh Rate?

A 60Hz refresh rate monitor refreshes the image 60 times in a second.

60Hz monitors are OK for gaming, but a 75Hz will give you an edge.

You can focus more on the game with 75Hz because of smoother graphics even without FreeSync.

Higher rates are usually closer to the fps of graphics cards.

This refresh rate won’t disappoint unless you’ve become used to higher rates.

Is 75Hz Good for Gaming?

This section will provide some answers to the question you’re most likely asking. Is it OK to have a 75Hz for gaming?

Again it’s vital to know what type of player you are. That, in turn, decides what kind of games you play.

You may be a gamer getting started, a casual gamer, or a competitive gamer. You’ll need different refresh rates for each.

The 75Hz is excellent for new gamers looking for a monitor. It keeps up with casual shooting games and racing games.

A 75Hz refresh rate has 25% more refreshes than the 60Hz.

If you plan on playing higher gaming levels, the 75Hz refresh rate will give you more of an edge. You’ll have better gameplay than the 60Hz refresh rate.

Is 60Hz Good for Gaming?

A refresh rate of 60Hz will do for gaming.

While a 60Hz refresh rate is on the low side, it’ll give you what you want.

More gamers like high refresh rates because of the reduced input lag and screen tearing.

If you’re not into competitive gaming, you’ll be happy with a 60Hz refresh rate monitor.

If you want to start gaming the right way and save money, then go ahead and get a monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate.

If you have an option to go with a higher refresh rate, we recommend that you do.

What’s Overclocking?

Overclocking is a setting that a lot of gamers with monitors use to their advantage. It allows you to push your refresh rate further than its limit.

Overclocked monitors can show graphics quicker and smoother. One thing to note is if your systems can handle it.

Most monitors and PC systems provide overclocking. Be careful of how far you push your refresh rates. Straining the system can lead to costly damage.

Monitors with a 75Hz refresh rate can usually overclock to 100Hz. With the right systems, your monitor gets a boost for free.

If you get lucky, you’ll find that some monitors can overclock to 120Hz. That’s a 40% more refresh rate than you started with.

Your frame rate can remain at a higher rate than it would with a 60Hz refresh rate.

Overclocking a 60Hz to high rates can get dangerous. Monitors with a 60Hz refresh rate can usually overclock to around 100Hz. They can go to at least 75Hz.

But pushing your monitor”s refresh rate that far will strain your device.

How much does a monitor cost? 75Hz

Hz vs hz costMonitors with a 75Hz refresh rate are very affordable.

They aren’t as expensive as a 144Hz or a 120Hz monitor because of the low manufacturing cost.

A 75Hz refresh rate monitor ranges from $70 to $150; for monitors, that’s a low price for what it offers.

You’ll get excellent value for your money.

How much does a monitor cost? 60Hz

A monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate comes at a low price. Compared to monitors with high refresh rates, the pricing is a steal.

TVs with 60Hz refresh rates tend to be more expensive because they’re more popular. The picture quality on a TV with too a high refresh rate can appear unnatural.

For sports and video games, a higher refresh rate will be sufficient.

You can find a 60Hz refresh rate monitor that costs between $70 and $120.

But the cost of a 75Hz and 60Hz refresh rate monitor isn’t that different.

How is Free Sync with 75Hz?

To boost your experience with a 75Hz monitor, you can activate FreeSync.

FreeSync is a technology that reduces screen tearing to almost nothing. It does so by linking systems to each other.

Screen tearing is when a graphics card’s fps is too far above or below a refresh rate.

FreeSync makes sure the frame rate is the same as the refresh rate. That, in turn, cuts screen tearing a lot.

FreeSync with a reasonable refresh rate can lead to a fantastic gaming experience.


How is FreeSync with 60Hz?

You can see FreeSync’s effectiveness with a 60Hz refresh monitor. With monitors under a 60Hz refresh rate – FreeSync works miracles.

Once you use FreeSync with a 60Hz refresh rate monitor, you won’t want to turn it off.

The difference in the smoothness is noticeable compared to a 60Hz monitor without it.

What’s Free Sync? Do you need it?

Free Sync is an alternative to G-Sync. G-Sync is only compatible with NVIDIA devices.

Free Sync Technology offers reduced tearing and smoother gameplay. Free Sync synchronizes the frame rate and the refresh rate.

If you have a frame rate of 100 fps and a refresh rate of 75Hz, Free Sync will make the frame rate 75ps.

Now that the refresh rate and frame rate are in sync, screen tearing is less likely.

Free Sync isn’t a necessity for higher refresh rates.

Higher rates reduce visible screen tearing on their own. But using Free Sync won’t damage anything, so feel free to use it as you’d like.

Hz vs hz comparison

Which is better with Free Sync? 60Hz vs. 75Hz

Both monitors will have heightened smoothness with Free Sync.

Screen tearing will reduce with either refresh rate.

A refresh rate of 60Hz will improve the graphics flow. But monitor with a 75Hz refresh rate will improve, too.

Having a higher refresh rate with Free Sync will put the quality further above lower ones.

A 75Hz refresh rate with Free Sync will always be better than a 60Hz refresh rate with Free Sync.

What is the frame rate?

The frame rate measures the number of frames your GPU can render in a second to show on the monitor’s display. We calculate the frame rate in ‘fps’.

Fps stands for ‘frames per second’.

It’s important not to mix the refresh rate and frame rate up.

The refresh rate has to do with how many times the screen changes images. The frame rate measures how many frames produce in a second.

How is the frame rate with a 75Hz refresh rate?

The refresh rate decides how many frames a monitor can produce and refresh in a second.

In a monitor with a 75Hz refresh rate, the monitor can only show 75 fps.

The farther away the frame rate is from the refresh rate, the more screen tearing can occur.

A way to eliminate the differences is to use Free Sync.

How is the frame rate with 60Hz?

A 60Hz refresh rate monitor will cap the frame rate at 60fps.

The only way to exceed the frame rate would be to overclock the refresh rate.

While overclocking isn’t an uncommon means to increase your refresh rate, it has its risks.

Which has a better frame rate?

The frame rate caps at the monitors refresh rate. A 60Hz monitor can only show 60 fps, while a 75Hz monitor can only show 75fps.

Both refresh rates can overclock. But even at its original refresh rate, the monitor with a 75Hz refresh rate is better for the frame rate.

Games with frame rates exceeding the refresh rates can cause screen tearing.

A 75Hz refresh rate is higher than 60Hz a refresh rate. Therefore less screen tearing will occur.

The refresh rate will be closer to the frame rate so that the difference will be less.

Which monitor costs less?

You’re more likely to find a decent 60Hz refresh rate monitor at a low price.

But the price difference isn’t that large between a 60Hz and a 75Hz refresh rate monitor.

Even with a tight budget, you should get something you want. There’s no point in saving money and being unhappy with your purchase.

If you want a monitor with a refresh rate you can game with, get a 75Hz monitor. The price is already lower than most, and it will give you what you want.


Which monitor is best- 60Hz vs. 75Hz?

Hz vs hz sustainabilityA 75Hz monitor is more sustainable. If you choose to overclock your 75Hz monitor to 100Hz, you have to keep an eye on how much you do it versus a 60Hz monitor that will burn out quicker.

You’ll burn through your monitor’s life faster if you overclock a 60Hz refresh rate monitor to 100Hz. The life of the monitor will shorten, and you’ll have to get repairs or it.

You might as well have gotten a 75Hz monitor and saved your time and money, no?

Then put it together with Free Sync. You’ll experience smoother graphics with a 75Hz refresh rate monitor.

If you’re thinking about going into a store to compare the two, you’ll see the difference. That doesn’t mean the 60Hz looks terrible – it works. Once you see how smooth a 75Hz refresh rate monitor runs, you’re hooked.

You won’t be able to turn back on the 75Hz for gaming.

So, we advise that you spend your money on what can give you the best experience.


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