Xfinity Wifi Keeps Disconnecting: What You Can Do To Fix It Now And Prevent It From Happening Again

Xfinity Wifi Hotspot Solutions

If you are an Xfinity customer, you know the problem well: your Xfinity WiFi keeps disconnecting no matter what you do. It could be in the middle of a Zoom call with your boss or a gaming session with your friends. No matter which one, it is annoying. Luckily, there are some pretty simple ways to solve this problem in the short term and some things you can do in the long-term to make it easier.

Xfinity Wifi Keeps Disconnecting

Keep reading through this article to see the different ways you can keep your Xfinity on and maybe even make your connection stronger.

Why Does Xfinity WiFi Hotspot Keep Disconnecting?

Like any other technical problem, there are many reasons why your WiFi and hotspot keep disconnecting. There are some more common reasons, and then there are some strange ones that seem to be popping up more and more. Let’s take a look at the most common issues:

Content Xfinity Wifi Troubleshoot

You don’t have the right internet speeds. Your internet will drop in and out if you have Wi-Fi speeds that aren’t fast enough. It depends on what you are doing on your computer, but you want to have a speed of at least 25 Mbps, if not more. If you use something that requires a lot of internet juice, like Zooming, you will notice the lag faster.

To fix it, you want to run a test to see just how fast your internet is. If it is below that threshold of 25 Mbps, then you might want to contact your internet provider and order another package. Be sure to do some research to find the best option for you.

Something isn’t firing within your modem. Your internet may disconnect if you have a modem that isn’t hiring correctly or communicating with your internet service provider. Having a good modem is crucial to having a robust and steady internet connection. If you have had your modem for some time, it might have something wrong with it or be laden with dust and need a good cleaning.

Don’t just buy a new modem on your own. You have to ensure that it works with your ISP. Calling your provider and getting their gear is usually a good call for people who aren’t technologically savvy.

To fix this, you have to wait until you have the problem and then call your provider to see if they are receiving and/or transmitting correctly. If not, the customer service agent may be able to fix it or advise that your modem is defective.

Something isn’t right within your WiFi router. Another issue is that your router may be too old. We tend to keep routers for a long time, and they aren’t meant to be used for more than five years. If your internet connection keeps dropping, it probably has firmware that doesn’t meet the load you have.

To fix this problem, you want to get a brand new router that meets WiFi 5, if not higher. This will help to future proof your build.

Your cables have snagged, snapped, bent, or went dead. If you haven’t had problems before and you all of a sudden do now, you might have problems with unreliable cables that are too old and likely rusted or dry rotted.

In a traditional home set up, there are three types of cables:

An Ethernet Cable that connects your modem to the router
• A Coaxial Cable that connects your modem to the cable network
A Phone Cable that connects a modem to a DSL internet line

If you run a test, it may tell you which cable is causing the problems. However, if you can’t run the test, you should check all of the cables to ensure that they aren’t snagged, bent, twisted, frayed, or loose. When you put the cables back together, make sure everything gets put into the right place.

If that doesn’t help, you may want to buy new wires.

Your network is having problems. Sometimes, the problem isn’t related to you at all. While network connection issues aren’t as common as they used to be, it is something to be aware of, particularly in the case of bad weather. The best thing you can do here is check your ISP’s website to see if they are having issues. If they aren’t, you should report the issue and wait for their communication.

If time is important, call your ISP to have them get everything running.

Your antivirus is causing problems. An increasingly common issue with internet connections is that

How To Stop Xfinity WiFi From Cutting Out

While it can sometimes feel like your WiFi is dropping out for no reason at all, there are a few different fail-safes you can develop to stop your Xfinity WiFi from dropping. Here are some of our best tips:

Stay close to your router and modem.

If you have a router or modem on another floor or far away, you may notice that the internet keeps dropping off and reconnecting. Your WiFi only has a distance of so far, and when you put objects like furniture, walls, and floors between you and the router, the connection weakens significantly. As a modem or router gets older, the distance may change.

You can move your body (easier with a phone or a tablet), or you can move your router and modem. You may also want to get an antenna upgrade, mesh network, or range extender.

Be aware of interference.

Radio signals can interfere with your WiFI connection. There are various products throughout your house that interfere with these networks. These may include cordless phones, cell phones, Bluetooth devices, Alexas, Google Homes, garage door openers, microwaves, smart TVs, and pretty much anything else that uses the internet or some radio waves.

To fix this problem, try to avoid grouping your electronics. It can also benefit you to turn off devices that you aren’t using regularly.

Regularly test your internet speeds.

Sometimes, ISPs will thwart your speeds if you use too much data during a month, same with phone companies. Be sure to check your speeds regularly to see if something is going on and purchase a different plan.

Reboot your system on a semi-regular basis.

It is always a good idea to turn your system off and back on again, just to let everything refresh. Reboot your system by unplugging it from the wall, allowing it to sit unplugged for at least five minutes, and then plugging it back in again. Allow everything to turn on fully before you use it.

You aren’t using the right Xfinity connection.

If your Xfinity connection keeps dropping, it is possible that you may be using the wrong connection. Often, we will automatically connect to a neighbor’s connection or the general “Xfinity” connection. If you can accidentally connect to a network, so can someone else. This means that it will be overtaxed.

If you notice that you connect to a neighbor’s network, be a good person and tell them to password protect it.

Your firmware and drivers aren’t updated.

If your Xfinity WiFi keeps disconnecting, it could be that the device driver or firmware needs to be updated. These are small pieces of the puzzle, but they can cause some huge issues. Upgrade your router’s firmware to the newest version or the router’s firmware to the latest version.

The easiest way to do this is actually to call your ISP and have them do it automatically.

Think about any new software you’ve installed.

A more significant issue, but a less common one, is that your software is interfering with your internet connection. If you have recently installed some new software, it could be modifying the networking capabilities of the OS.

To fix this, uninstall the software and then reinstall it to see if the same problem persists. Usually, there is a bug, and it gets fixed by the time you notice it.

Reinstall your operating system.

The most significant fix for your problem is to reinstall your operating system. This will help to deal with any bugs and update everything to the latest versions. It takes a long time to reinstall your OS, but it is a good last-ditch effort for systems that have multiple problems.

Connect via ethernet.

If you are gaming or attend Zoom calls regularly, the best thing you can do is connect to the internet using a hardwired ethernet cord. This may leave you in a fixed location, but it will help performance immensely. If you are connected via ethernet, and you still have connection problems, it is most likely a problem that needs to be solved by your ISP.

It could be your device.

If you have an older device, staying get connected to something high-tech might become impossible. Older devices won’t be able to read all of the waves of the newer WiFi signals. If your device is more than five years old, you may start to have problems.

Use a better adblocker.

Your computer can sometimes get slowed down by an ad. Ads will do everything they can to catch your attention, which means they are graphically heavy. Install an ad blocker to speed up your connection and prevent what feels like disconnects.

How To Get A Better WiFi Connection

Keeping a good connection to your WiFi can be difficult, and it requires some work on your part. This isn’t something that you can accept. If you need a strong connection for work or gaming, it is best not to rely on WiFi at all. Instead, you should use an ethernet cord. However, if you want to (or have to) use WiFi, there are some things you can do for a better connection:

• Move closer to your router whenever possible
• Ensure that your computer has the current updates
• Update your router
• Regularly unplug your router and allow it to restart
• Turn off equipment that sucks up bandwidth
• Try to limit activities like streaming or video calls

Sometimes, you need to accept that you don’t have the bandwidth you need and upgrade your plan. This can be costly, but it helps to ease your troubles.

Another thing to note is that the issue isn’t reserved just for Xfinity. All internet service providers have troubles with connections at some point. However, it may be a good idea to try different providers if you have issues. Service changes all the time, and sometimes you may be better served by another company.

In particular, you want to be careful about “suckers” when it comes to your neighbors. If you live in an apartment building, people may try to leech off your connection. Regularly change your passwords and connection name, and check to see who has access. This can help to keep problems at bay as well.

Conclusion: Xfinity WiFi Keeps Disconnecting

If your Xfinity WiFi keeps dropping, know that you aren’t alone and that it happens to most of us from time to time. However, if it happens regularly and you can’t get through a game or Zoom without reconnecting, you need to do something about it. Try the methods above to see if you can fix it yourself.

Remember that other things can impact connections, including things that are out of your hands, like:

• Trees growing
• Buildings
• Weather
• Overuse
• Data throttling

Your best bet is to start by checking your internet speeds and go from there. You can only do so much, but it is best to exhaust those options before contacting your service provider.


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