Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups: The Best Fixes

Delivery Failed Fixes

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups is an error that can pop up on your computer if you send a lot of bulk emails to different recipients or if the attachments that you are sending are too big to send by email.

Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients

The error once occurs when you try to send the error by the Exchange User, and it can seriously impair the daily workload for small business owners or other companies dependent on sending a lot of emails.

You can try the correct fix for fixing your email issues after you troubleshoot to narrow down precisely what is causing the error on your windows computer.

In this new guide, we will learn how to do exactly that by putting out a list of all the common reasons for the error and the best possible ways to solve it so that the following email you send reaches its destination without any stops!

What Is the “Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups” Message?

Email delivery errors show up on your computers because the address you are using is not recognized as a valid sender or because the ID is blacklisted on suspicion of sending spam mail. In this case, your account will not be allowed to send emails until an admin approves you.

– Bad Email Practices

Bad email practices in general include sending an email without a subject or using characters in the subject of an email. There are some other practices such as sending spammy links via your email.

Suppose you have been sending such emails with a lot of bad email practices that could be classified as spam or unprofessional. In that case, you are more likely to get the “the delivery has failed to these recipients or groups error in Outlook or Exchange” error. This is because your account will have been marked as spam.

– Compromised Email Account

If every email you send gets this error, it is possible that the email account you are using is compromised. You can start checking to ensure this is not the case by looking at the email activity of that user account, which can be found in the Reports section. This will give you all the details related to the overall volume of emails sent by that account.

Another thing that you will probably need to do is perform a detailed analysis of your email log from the Messages Traces.

This will help you better understand the types of emails sent from the main user account. If you analyze the report and carefully go through all the logs and details, you will be able to get an idea of how compromised your email account is.

How to Fix “Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups”?

You can fix email delivery errors by identifying and repairing all poor emailing habits, securing your account, or checking to see whether your account is blocked or not. If you face any further issues, you can always try to email from a new account.

– Identifying All Poor Emailing Habits

We must keep certain things and habits in check to ensure that the issue does not become too familiar to our email batches. It is possible for the error to appear in connection with an outlook contact where the internal user’s actual emailing address has changed.

If you are sending an email reply and get the error, it is likely that the user is actually replying to an old emailing address, and the recipient has changed their emailing address since then.

Identifying All Poor Emailing Habits

On the whole, it is essential to ensure that you do not use any Outlook contacts or contact groups filled with incorrect information. If you still see the issue in your subsequent emails, you can try sending a test email with a web client for any GLA-related problems.

Suppose you have been sending emails with a lot of bad email practices that could be classified as spam or unprofessional.

In that case, you are more likely to get the “the delivery has failed to these recipients or groups error in Outlook or Exchange” error. This is because your account will have been marked as spam.

– Securing a Compromised Email Account

If your email account has been compromised for some reason, you will need to take the proper steps to secure it immediately. Your first step should be to focus on setting a new password for your email account, one that is secure and at least 8 characters in length.

Another concrete step that you can also take is to secure your email account and overall computer with a robust antivirus.

One such software you can use is Malwarebytes, which can help you deep scan effectively and clean up your account. After completing this step, you will need to download and install any remaining Windows Updates on your computer.

Make sure to keep the option for automatic updates enabled so that you do not need to do this manually in the future. Other than that, you should disable any spoofing for the email headers and allow the option of DKIM records from the DNS management section.

Lastly, it would be best if you also tried to remove any auto-replies auto forwarders that are enabled for the account. This ensures that there is no unauthorized access to personal data.

– Removing the Original Email ID

If you face this issue on your account while you are using the Dynamic Distribution List option on your computer, you can try this fix and email in peace. Start by backing up any important emails on your account and then complete the original email account and address from Exchange.

After you have done that, you can add the user once more in Exchange, and then you will need to add the SMTP address to your user’s profile. Other than that, you can also try to select a different account where you want your outgoing mail to go in this list.

– Checking to See Whether Your Account Is Blocked

Microsoft has a habit of blocking accounts immediately if they suspect a lot of spam mail has been sent from that account. Any administrator with access to Office 365 can unblock the account by using the steps below.

If you have been following incorrect email practices for a long time, it is possible that the email account that you are using could be blocked. In this case, you will have to check and take the appropriate steps.

Start by opening up the Exchange Admin Center. Once that is done, you will need to click on Protection and select Action Center. Now, you will have to see if any of the users in the list are marked as blocked.

If you see the affected email in this list, highlight it and click on the option to Unblock Account from the description pane. Once you have done that, you will need to press Yes and confirm the action. Now try sending the email once more and see if the error is resolved or if it persists.


– How to Solve Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups Your Message Is Too Large to Send?

If your email is not sent over to the recipient because the email’s attachments are too big, you can try reducing the size of these attachments or avoid having any attachments with your email. In most cases, there is a maximum limit on the message size that you are allowed to send, like 36 MB.

– How to Solve Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups Salesforce?

Salesforce can solve email delivery errors by disabling the antivirus on their server or whitelisting your email ID for your antivirus system. The email error is very common for Salesforce users, and if it is not solved by following these steps, you can always contact the email admin.

– How to Solve Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups Godaddy?

Sometimes GoDaddy users are able to receive emails, but when they send an email, they get an error saying that it is not possible to deliver the email because the ID in question is not recognized as a sender. This standard error shows, and it clearly indicates that your email ID has been marked as spam due to a string of bad emailing habits.

Otherwise, the error can be caused if there is an error in the internal network security of your connection that is not letting your emails go. This is likely if you are able to send emails outside of that network. Sometimes the error can be solved by checking the internal firewall on your computer.

– How to Solve Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups Exchange 2016?

When you use a hybrid environment for your email system, and a user tries to send some emails to an external domain user from there, he might get an error saying that the SPF policy is not accepting his message. This can be caused by a communication failure or lousy email habits, and you can try sending the email again at a later date.

How to Solve Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients

If the error code indicates that there was the involvement of a generic SMTP failure, the most likely cause is a reverse lookup from your SMTP server’s side.

– How to Solve Delivery Has Failed to These Recipients or Groups the Recipients Mailbox Is Full?

If your recipient is unable to receive your intended email batch, the limit of their mailbox quota may be total. In this case, you can try to resend your message at a later date or contact your recipient and ask them to clear the data.

In case you are looking to clear up a mailbox to make space for new emails. All you need to do is go into your email settings, from where you can access the General tab.

Once you are there, go to the Storage sections and remove any data you want. It is vital to empty your bin and remember that it can take a whole day before you see the actual changes.


To conclude our extensive guide, it is pretty clear that sending batch emails and significant emails comes with a batch of hurdles, and every business owner should know how to handle any such errors.

Since there is a lot of data in the guide about the email error, we have compiled a summary of four bullet points in the next section to make it somewhat easier for you to navigate through all the data:

  • If you continue to receive the error even with different email addresses, it is to check and ensure that your account is not blocked or blacklisted by the server.
  • If your business email has been hacked, you might see constant email errors with both single and batch emails, which is why you should check your password.
  • If your email patterns do not reflect good habits, the server might likely blacklist your email, so it is essential to be wary of your technique.
  • If your antivirus has blocked or blacklisted your business mail, it might have issues sending emails until you check the settings and whitelist your ID.

Other than that, you must keep your email attachments limited and ensure that you have good email habits that will help your email address be whitelisted and avoid such errors.

We are confident that this guide will benefit you to understand all the causes and possible fixes of this standard email error, and you should be more than ready to counter most of these errors by yourself now!


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